TAO is Up

as the DOW dives again today
we plunge our shovels in
rich llama dung
worth more than gold in this valley of the verdant
we laugh about our great fortunes
on this hot day of March's debut
net worth of our garden soars
the ultimate in carbon sequestering
this market of soil and poop opened early this year!
microbial communities finding consensus
no bi-partisan struggle in this lumi-liscious governing
pumping shiny bio-currency into garden soil,
mycelia marathons for the good of the network;
delivering nutrients faster than a courier to wall street
our news is good today: the worms have multiplied
no bail out needed here---a bale of straw will cover it all
our long term investment pays off viscerally as
we’re surprised by over-wintered dividends
lavender, onions, carrots, greens and spearmint
hand to mouth we hunter-gather
onto our palates gritty lusciousness of spring's explosions
going off like unscheduled fireworks
our camaraderie index soared today
tied to the futures of our rich Mother Earth
our funds entrusted to her majesty

* Linda Marie Luna


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